White Cabbage (ጥቅል ጎመን)

Br 15.00

The cabbage is rich in vitamins, with a minimum value of vitamin C of 36.6 milligrams per head or 44 percent of the daily value. Its Vitamins B6 and folate content stands at 10 and 11% values, respectively. Its mineral composition consists of 8 percent manganese and 4 percent iron for strong bone and blood formation. The dietary fiber composition in the vegetable is at least 2.5 grams.


Ethiopia Cabbage (Brassica Oleracea) grows under relatively moist conditions of between 4° Celsius and 24° Celsius in Tigray region, to the north. The plant provides at least two harvests per year, as the heads develop at slightly different periods. The country provides the main three varieties including Savoy, with its curly leaf formation around the head. The other is Spring Green with its exposed head appearance that is great for steaming cooking. The main cultivar, however, is the Green variety which has bright green leaves with a domed head that is slightly visible from between the leaves, and has a similar bright green color.

Ethiopia cabbage are from the northern region of Tigray. The plant thrives under the fertile soils of May Nigus where family growers also cultivate it under irrigation. The crop comes from either individual farmers or cooperatives. Most famers usually intercrop it with grains especially maize and cash crops like onions that do well in the region.


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