Ethiopia carrots (Daucus carota) belong to the Western species or var sativus that consist of an orange tap root as opposed to the Asian species of purple roots. It is available in central-northern areas surrounding Addis Ababa, especially in the Shewa province.
The carrot first emerged in Afghanistan about 3000 B.C., in domesticated form. It had existed years earlier in different wild colors including purple. In Ethiopia, the only native carrot its the Daucus hochstetteri species that grows on its own in the sandy hilly areas with good erosion that transports mineral sediments at elevations of between 1650 and 2700 meters. Unlike the main commercial carrot, this variety has a white tuber.
We source our orange-colored Ethiopia carrot from the Shewa region which straddles both Oromia and Amhara parts of the country that surround Addis Ababa. Our main sources include Merhabete as well as Mida Woromo, two districts in Shewa. The crop is available through most of the year as it grows under irrigation due to the mainly warm climate of the area for a crop that requires over 2000 meters altitude to thrive well. The plant matures in as few as 75 days and as many as 90 days, which makes it a biennial for many cash crop family growers.
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